March 2009

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SEO Poisoning Techniques


Search engine optimization (SEO) has traditionally been the domain of web masters and Internet marketing specialists who understand the importance of high search engine ranking and how to influence sites’ ranking based on various search criteria.  It didn’t take long after the popularity of sites such as Yahoo and Google grew, for people to look for ways to manipulate site rankings in order to drive more traffic to their preferred destinations.  Lately, hackers have begun using SEO poisoning techniques in an effort to spread malware and make money.

In order to understand how they do this, it is necessary to understand how search engines rank sites.  This is primarily done on the basis of site popularity.  If a web site is linked to by many other sites, it is assumed that this is a reputable site and it will generate a higher ranking by search engines.  Similarly, if a popular site links to other web sites, those sites will be given a more favorable ranking in search results.  The goal of hackers is to poison search results such that their malicious (typically) web sites will rank high in search results and drive more traffic to them, resulting in increased opportunities for compromising systems.

So how do hackers take advantage of search engines for their own purposes?  Below are a several techniques used for SEO poisoning:

1)  Site compromise

Approximately 1 year ago, tens of thousandes of web sites, including some very prominent ones, were compromised through the use of XSS to inject iframes into search queries on the sites.  The iframes then were indexed by Google and others such that they ranked very high in certain poisoned search results.  This type of SEO poisoning was possible due to improper input validation on the web sites’ search tool resulting in a stored XSS vulnerability.  Some of the sites affected included Wal-mart, Target and USA Today.

Another way hackers can take advantage of vulnerabilities in a web site to poison search results is through SQL injection attacks.  If a hacker can find vulnerable web sites (easily achieved through advanced Google searching) and inject links into the targeted sites that point to a malicious web site, then the ranking of the malicious web sites will be increased in search engine results.  A recent SEO poisoning attack involving NCAA March Madness search terms was discovered that employed such a technique.  Those who clicked on the malicious links are redirected to malicious web sites that attempt to install rogue AV malware.

2)  Spam domains

Another way for hackers to increase their ranking in particular search results is by registering many domains specifically for the purpose of linking to their desired site.  By creating a large number of sites linking to the target web site, they can increase its rank in search results and thus traffic to that site.  Hackers will often register hundreds of these spam domains purely for the purpose of SEO poisoning.

3)  Comment spamming blogs

As any blogger can attest, many of the comments placed on blogs are nothing more than spam with links to spam or malicious web sites in an effort to increase their search result rankings.  Even on my blog, which gets little traffic (unfortunately), gets a tremendous amount of spam comments.  In fact, I have stopped allowing comments because I have grown weary of deleting them.  I know their are tools to detect and block spam comments, but when 95% of the comments are spam designed for SEO poisoning, it doesn’t seem worth it.  Usually these comments are generated by automated spambots, so at the very least bloggers should be sure to hold all comments for moderation.

Scam Soup


Lately I have been reading about a veritable alphabet soup of Internet scams.  Some are run-of-the-mill phishing or email scams, but some are rather innovative and utilize new attack vectors that I have not seen before.  In this post I will review some of these scams, including one that targeted me.

Economic Stimulus Scam

Cyber criminals frequently use events that are in the news as an opportunity to trick people into visiting malicious web sites where they can infect their systems with malware.  Recently, criminals have been using the economic stimulus bill being proposed by President Obama as a method to attract unsuspecting users.  One email asks the recipient to provide bank account information in order to receive a government deposit.  Another, which appears to come from a government agency asks the recipient to verify that they qualify for a payment by visiting a web site and inputting personal information.  Of course in both cases the criminals use the information to commit fraud and/or identity theft.  The FTC has about these scams.

Parking Ticket Scam

This is truly an original scam that I thought was rather clever.  In Grand Forks, North Dakota criminals placed on parked cars.  The ticket instructed drivers to visit a website where they could “view pictures with information about your parking preferences”.  When the user visits the web site it attempts to install malware on their computer.  This is believed to be the first scam of its type, however, it is likely that it won’t be the last.  I can imagine leaflets distributed on cars in mall parking lots advertising some bogus product with a URL to a malicious web site.  Expect to see more of this type of scam.

My Personal Vishing Experience

I recently received an SMS message that appeared to be from my bank.  I have pasted the message below (with bank information changed to protect my personal information):

MSG:State Bank CU urgent notification:unusual activity,please verify your online information at 877-555-8787.

I was immediately suspicious as I was not aware that my bank had my cell phone number and did not think they would contact me in this manner even if they did.  For fun I called the number in the text message and was directed to a full voice mailbox.  No doubt had the mailbox not been full I would heard a message asking me to leave my bank account information.  This is an example of a vishing attack which I have written about in a previous post.  Don’t be fooled by such attacks.  No banks request your account information by SMS or email.

Scammers are always looking for new ways to get your personal information.  And as I have shown, criminals will find new and innovative ways to obtain it.

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